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  • The Thistle Standard of Nutrition

    While we don’t believe in undue focus on specific metrics and understand that the quality of the food you eat is more important than specifically defined calorie quantities or macronutrient ratios, we also strive to ensure nutritional consistency. Our meals conform to the following per meal guidelines:

    Lunches & Dinners

    An average of 450-650 calories. 90-100% plant ingredients by weight, depending on your protein plan. 20g+ of plant protein from legumes, nuts & seeds, adashah, tempeh, tofu, and whole, ancient grains


    250-400 calories on average. 100% plant ingredients by weight. 10g+ of plant protein. ~10g of fiber. 0.5-1 oz nutrient-dense booster foods.

    Meat plans contain additional protein from a 3 oz (uncooked weight) serving of chicken, turkey, or pork per meal.

    ~15g of digestion-promoting fiber. 2-4 cups of leafy greens and other vegetables.

    0.5-1 oz nutrient-dense booster foods such as spirulina, dandelion root, turmeric, chia, ashwagandha, or reishi.


    Our meals do not contain dairy, gluten ingredients, refined white sugars or artificial sweeteners, artificial preservatives, additives, or dyes.

    How Thistle
    Benefits Your Health

    Thistle food doesn’t just taste good – it benefits your everyday life! We pay close attention to the balance of vitamins and other nutrients to fulfill your health needs.

    More Energy

    Thistle’s food contains low-glycemic carbs and protein-rich ingredients to promote even energy-burn. No spikes!

    Sharp Mind

    Thistle uses healthy fats + omega fatty acids to fuel your brain, combatting stress and balancing hormones.

    Less Bloat

    Thistle uses high fiber, low sodium food to reduce inflammation and promote blood flow to your digestive system.

    Clear Skin

    Thistle is low in sugar and rich in antioxidants, biotin + beta-carotenes to hydrate skin and slow aging.