
Encouraging others to try your plant-based lifestyle is one of the best ways to spread kindness, so make sure to share on Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Even small acts of kindness for others, from family members to strangers, are rewarding in many different ways. They can help you spread positivity in your life and become more socially conscious while encouraging others to be kind no matter what. Kindness is contagious, and you can be the one to start a domino effect of positivity around you.

What Is Random Acts of Kindness Day?

Each year on February 17th, people are encouraged to celebrate each other and their communities by participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day. It all started when the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Denver, Colorado, started promoting the spread of kindness way back in 1995.

Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day might look like helping a neighbor by carrying groceries inside, passing out face masks and food to unhoused people in your neighborhood, or simply calling up an old friend for a chat. 

Being kind doesn’t always require a grand gesture. However you want to show kindness, you can! Take the opportunity to mow your neighbor's lawn, bring treats like cookies and muffins to the workplace, or give some old toys to a kid in need. It's all in the spirit of this meaningful holiday!

Popular good deeds during the celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Day are geared towards the environment because it’s a way for people to think about their habits and how they might benefit from giving back to the Earth. Avoiding animal products and considering lifestyle changes are two ways people can give back. Of course, when you are already plant-based, you have to look for other options. 

If you are looking to celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day as a vegan, you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading to learn about some ways you can actively show up for yourself and your community.

1. Cook Your Family a Plant-Based Meal

As someone who chooses healthy and conscious ingredients daily, you are constantly acting kindly to yourself and your environment. 

Deciding to be plant-based helps lower the amount of water used during your food production. It also lowers the global greenhouse gas emissions put out into the world. Choosing to eat plant-based foods is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and the world around you! 

One way to give back is to prepare a delicious plant-based meal for your family or friends. Invite people who aren’t too familiar with the lifestyle and introduce them to your favorite dishes. Going plant-based can be difficult when you don’t have anything to go off of, so by introducing people to plant-based meals, you can help spread practices that have a positive impact. 

If you need a little inspiration, you can always use Thistle to get you started!

2. Volunteer at Soup Kitchen

A classic but still significant and helpful way to give back is volunteering at a food pantry, soup kitchen, or local shelter. During especially trying times and with winter weather fully upon us, it’s important that we recognize the privilege that comes with following a plant-based diet. Some people are more than happy to enjoy a warm meal with people who care about them, and they won’t be turning it away if it’s not fully plant-based. 

People who are plant-based might have a little bit more time and money to commit to the lifestyle, but it’s important to recognize that not everyone has that ability. Showing up for individuals in need is one of the best ways to be kind, and it can be an eye-opening experience when you see the joy that food can bring! It's as simple as volunteering at a local food bank or providing much-needed care packages to your nearest homeless shelter. 

3. Buy an Oat (or Almond) Milk Latte for a Friend

If you’re meeting up with someone and know that a boost of caffeine would fuel you for your interaction, shoot them a text saying, “Coffee’s on me!”  If you're feeling spontaneous, head to your favorite coffee shop with friends, coworkers, or your elderly neighbors and treat them to something delicious and plant-based. If you're short on time, send a gift card for coffee to a colleague or neighbor – or even your mom.  

Get your favorite non-dairy drink for both you and your friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor, and enjoy it with them as you catch up. Pick-me-ups come in all shapes and sizes, and hand-delivered hot coffee can really turn someone's day around. Oat, almond, soy, and cashew milk are popular alternatives that you can find in most local and chain coffee shops, so you’re bound to find it somewhere!

4. Compliment a Stranger

It may feel awkward at first, but once you do it a few times, it starts to feel empowering! Have you ever felt that burst of confidence and giddiness you get when a random person compliments your outfit, hair, or personality? 

It feels just as good to give as it does to receive a compliment, so start your Random Acts of Kindness Day by giving genuine compliments to people you cross paths with. You never know just how much a compliment will mean to someone.  

With COVID, everyone has been locked away and avoiding unnecessary interactions. It might be making you feel slightly out of touch with your community. You can break your habits of avoidance on Random Acts of Kindness Day by telling the person ahead of you in line for coffee that you like their outfit. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy! Feel free to leave a little anonymous sticky note if you are too shy to say anything!

Even saying a friendly "good morning" to a stranger makes all the difference on #randomactsofkindnessday. Compliments and kind words shared on social media count too. There's virtue in spreading kindness with your words, even in the smallest ways.

5. Shop at a Local Farmers' Market

If you follow a plant-based diet, you are probably stocked up with plant-based snacks and sides so you have food available when you need it. From vegetables and fruits, herbs and spices, jams, nut butter, and sweets, shopping at local farmers' markets helps spread kindness and promote altruism in various ways.

When you shop locally, you are putting money into the pockets of members of your community, boosting your local economy, and helping someone maintain their business and security. You become more immersed in your community and open lines of communication that can benefit everyone involved. 

Farmers' markets are a great place to network and learn about what local goods are available. Plus, you are getting fresh food and thoughtful ingredients that you might not get at supermarkets in your area. Farmers' markets offer a plethora of items, and most are local, handmade, crafted, and picked so that the cycle of consumption can limit using energy and resources. 

6. Say Positive Affirmations to Yourself

While giving back to your environment and community is important, being kind to yourself is also up there. Being plant-based means you wake up and make several mindful decisions that impact your body and the environment. It might feel difficult at times, especially if there aren’t many people in your life who are plant-based too, but the effort that you put into your health doesn’t go unnoticed!

Take time out of your day to be kind to yourself. You can do this by starting your morning with kind words to yourself, setting attainable goals for your day, and finding ways to give yourself little rewards. You should take time to do things you love, whether reading a book by yourself with a cup of tea, binging your favorite show for an hour before bed, or ordering takeout at your favorite spot. 

There are plenty of ways to treat yourself with kindness, and while you should be practicing self-kindness daily, trying it out on Random Acts of Kindness Day just gives you a reason to do it. 

7. Share a Thistle Meal 

Sharing food is one of the biggest ways to build connections and memories. People will remember the first time you cook a meal together or associate your presence with a certain dish, so you spread kindness when you share a Thistle meal with someone. 

Find your busiest friend—the one who is always ordering takeout because they never have time to go to the grocery store—and introduce them to Thistle. Show them just how easy it is to prepare a Thistle meal, with it being stress-free, pre-planned, and pre-packaged, so all you have to do is show up hungry, with a little bit of time on your hands. 

Using Thistle makes it easier to enjoy healthy foods when you have no time to actually prepare them. Going to the grocery store, prepping, cooking, and cleaning can take up precious time, but by introducing someone to Thistle, you show them they can put effort into eating well with very little actual effort! Eating healthy and plant-based might feel unattainable, especially to someone who is extremely busy. If they don’t know about Thistle, they are missing out, so be the one to introduce them to it and make a difference in their life!

Direct them to a Thistle representative if they have any other questions so that they can get started in updating their lifestyle!


What's the beef with water? | Denver Water

Interactive: What is the climate impact of eating meat and dairy? | Carbon Brief

The Benefits of Farmers Markets | Farmers Markets Coalition

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Try Thistle

Encouraging others to try your plant-based lifestyle is one of the best ways to spread kindness, so make sure to share on Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Even small acts of kindness for others, from family members to strangers, are rewarding in many different ways. They can help you spread positivity in your life and become more socially conscious while encouraging others to be kind no matter what. Kindness is contagious, and you can be the one to start a domino effect of positivity around you.

What Is Random Acts of Kindness Day?

Each year on February 17th, people are encouraged to celebrate each other and their communities by participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day. It all started when the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Denver, Colorado, started promoting the spread of kindness way back in 1995.

Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day might look like helping a neighbor by carrying groceries inside, passing out face masks and food to unhoused people in your neighborhood, or simply calling up an old friend for a chat. 

Being kind doesn’t always require a grand gesture. However you want to show kindness, you can! Take the opportunity to mow your neighbor's lawn, bring treats like cookies and muffins to the workplace, or give some old toys to a kid in need. It's all in the spirit of this meaningful holiday!

Popular good deeds during the celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Day are geared towards the environment because it’s a way for people to think about their habits and how they might benefit from giving back to the Earth. Avoiding animal products and considering lifestyle changes are two ways people can give back. Of course, when you are already plant-based, you have to look for other options. 

If you are looking to celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day as a vegan, you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading to learn about some ways you can actively show up for yourself and your community.

1. Cook Your Family a Plant-Based Meal

As someone who chooses healthy and conscious ingredients daily, you are constantly acting kindly to yourself and your environment. 

Deciding to be plant-based helps lower the amount of water used during your food production. It also lowers the global greenhouse gas emissions put out into the world. Choosing to eat plant-based foods is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and the world around you! 

One way to give back is to prepare a delicious plant-based meal for your family or friends. Invite people who aren’t too familiar with the lifestyle and introduce them to your favorite dishes. Going plant-based can be difficult when you don’t have anything to go off of, so by introducing people to plant-based meals, you can help spread practices that have a positive impact. 

If you need a little inspiration, you can always use Thistle to get you started!

2. Volunteer at Soup Kitchen

A classic but still significant and helpful way to give back is volunteering at a food pantry, soup kitchen, or local shelter. During especially trying times and with winter weather fully upon us, it’s important that we recognize the privilege that comes with following a plant-based diet. Some people are more than happy to enjoy a warm meal with people who care about them, and they won’t be turning it away if it’s not fully plant-based. 

People who are plant-based might have a little bit more time and money to commit to the lifestyle, but it’s important to recognize that not everyone has that ability. Showing up for individuals in need is one of the best ways to be kind, and it can be an eye-opening experience when you see the joy that food can bring! It's as simple as volunteering at a local food bank or providing much-needed care packages to your nearest homeless shelter. 

3. Buy an Oat (or Almond) Milk Latte for a Friend

If you’re meeting up with someone and know that a boost of caffeine would fuel you for your interaction, shoot them a text saying, “Coffee’s on me!”  If you're feeling spontaneous, head to your favorite coffee shop with friends, coworkers, or your elderly neighbors and treat them to something delicious and plant-based. If you're short on time, send a gift card for coffee to a colleague or neighbor – or even your mom.  

Get your favorite non-dairy drink for both you and your friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor, and enjoy it with them as you catch up. Pick-me-ups come in all shapes and sizes, and hand-delivered hot coffee can really turn someone's day around. Oat, almond, soy, and cashew milk are popular alternatives that you can find in most local and chain coffee shops, so you’re bound to find it somewhere!

4. Compliment a Stranger

It may feel awkward at first, but once you do it a few times, it starts to feel empowering! Have you ever felt that burst of confidence and giddiness you get when a random person compliments your outfit, hair, or personality? 

It feels just as good to give as it does to receive a compliment, so start your Random Acts of Kindness Day by giving genuine compliments to people you cross paths with. You never know just how much a compliment will mean to someone.  

With COVID, everyone has been locked away and avoiding unnecessary interactions. It might be making you feel slightly out of touch with your community. You can break your habits of avoidance on Random Acts of Kindness Day by telling the person ahead of you in line for coffee that you like their outfit. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy! Feel free to leave a little anonymous sticky note if you are too shy to say anything!

Even saying a friendly "good morning" to a stranger makes all the difference on #randomactsofkindnessday. Compliments and kind words shared on social media count too. There's virtue in spreading kindness with your words, even in the smallest ways.

5. Shop at a Local Farmers' Market

If you follow a plant-based diet, you are probably stocked up with plant-based snacks and sides so you have food available when you need it. From vegetables and fruits, herbs and spices, jams, nut butter, and sweets, shopping at local farmers' markets helps spread kindness and promote altruism in various ways.

When you shop locally, you are putting money into the pockets of members of your community, boosting your local economy, and helping someone maintain their business and security. You become more immersed in your community and open lines of communication that can benefit everyone involved. 

Farmers' markets are a great place to network and learn about what local goods are available. Plus, you are getting fresh food and thoughtful ingredients that you might not get at supermarkets in your area. Farmers' markets offer a plethora of items, and most are local, handmade, crafted, and picked so that the cycle of consumption can limit using energy and resources. 

6. Say Positive Affirmations to Yourself

While giving back to your environment and community is important, being kind to yourself is also up there. Being plant-based means you wake up and make several mindful decisions that impact your body and the environment. It might feel difficult at times, especially if there aren’t many people in your life who are plant-based too, but the effort that you put into your health doesn’t go unnoticed!

Take time out of your day to be kind to yourself. You can do this by starting your morning with kind words to yourself, setting attainable goals for your day, and finding ways to give yourself little rewards. You should take time to do things you love, whether reading a book by yourself with a cup of tea, binging your favorite show for an hour before bed, or ordering takeout at your favorite spot. 

There are plenty of ways to treat yourself with kindness, and while you should be practicing self-kindness daily, trying it out on Random Acts of Kindness Day just gives you a reason to do it. 

7. Share a Thistle Meal 

Sharing food is one of the biggest ways to build connections and memories. People will remember the first time you cook a meal together or associate your presence with a certain dish, so you spread kindness when you share a Thistle meal with someone. 

Find your busiest friend—the one who is always ordering takeout because they never have time to go to the grocery store—and introduce them to Thistle. Show them just how easy it is to prepare a Thistle meal, with it being stress-free, pre-planned, and pre-packaged, so all you have to do is show up hungry, with a little bit of time on your hands. 

Using Thistle makes it easier to enjoy healthy foods when you have no time to actually prepare them. Going to the grocery store, prepping, cooking, and cleaning can take up precious time, but by introducing someone to Thistle, you show them they can put effort into eating well with very little actual effort! Eating healthy and plant-based might feel unattainable, especially to someone who is extremely busy. If they don’t know about Thistle, they are missing out, so be the one to introduce them to it and make a difference in their life!

Direct them to a Thistle representative if they have any other questions so that they can get started in updating their lifestyle!


What's the beef with water? | Denver Water

Interactive: What is the climate impact of eating meat and dairy? | Carbon Brief

The Benefits of Farmers Markets | Farmers Markets Coalition

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